tirsdag 8. januar 2008

Planning India!

A few years ago I got a postcard from an Indian penpal. She was in Rome visiting her daughter and wrote:

.......I am afraid this is the closest I will ever get to Norway - why don't you come and visit us here......

What my friend didn't know was that exactly the same day I had a phonecall from a friend and colleague. He was organising a bus trip from Norway to Rome, he had an extra seat in the bus and waondered if I wanted to come along. I had never been to Rome before, but it didn't take me long to tell both my Indian friend and my colleague - I'M COMING!

Now, several years later I have been to Rome every year since that first time, and I am climbing the next step of the ladder. I plan a trip to India this coming autumn. Making travel plans means reading books about and from the places I will visit, and my list of books about India is getting longer every day. During Christmas I finished a Norwegian book, India, by Torbjørn Færøvik, and today I started an old classic, Mother India by Katherine Mayo. I came upon this book quite by accident.....or may be the book was calling my name......... But that's another story which you can read here. (you have to follow the links to get the full story)

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