søndag 1. juni 2008

Another Persephone

Some time ago I discovered by chance the Persephone books and I ordered the two first one, i.e. no 2 and no3 (the first one seems to be out of print). I read no 2, Mariana by Monica Dickens right away and also planned to read no3, Someone at a Distance by Dorothy Whipple. But my pile of book is high, I always buy new ones and I always want to reread old favorites, so somehow Persephone hid herself. Untill a couple of weeks ago that is. I was tidying my studio, and there, on a hidden shelf it suddenly smiled to me. And as soon as I started to book I put all others away. Not that Someone at a Distance is the best story I've read, far from, but Whipple's reading has its own charm which made me read the story right through, I had to know what happend to Ellen and Avery, their children and Louise, the French temptation.
First published in 1953 this is a story which could never been told today, never been lived today. Alot happens in 50 years, and we tend to forget our past, or rather the past of our parents and grandparents, but by remembering I believe we make our lives richer.
My next step now will be to order more Persephone books. They are good.

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